1. General Information
Various cookies are used on Proil’s website and/or all digital platforms associated with our company. The information requested/obtained from the parties on the relevant platforms is used for the purposes of the services.
2. Purpose and Scope 

Information about the cookies used pursuant to the laws and regulations in force regarding personal data is specified in this policy. The purposes of informing about the use of cookies are:
a) Giving priority: To let the user make the decision about navigating through the digital platforms of our company and keeping the cookies on the user computer.
b) Recording: To document both the actions regarding the visits of the users and the cookie information in accordance with the laws.
c) Transparency: To be accountable and explanatory about all personal and other data we collect from the digital platforms of our company beyond any reasonable doubt.
d) Clarity: To provide a full list of cookies on our company's digital platforms and to inform users about technological possibilities.
e) Waiver: To let the user waive their right to visit our digital platforms and/or website in line with the information we provide.
f) Updating: To provide up-to-date information to users about new cookies and technologies added.
3. Cookie Removal Procedure

3.1. Users can choose to delete the cookies used, stored and processed on our company's website and/or digital platforms from their computers using the following methods. Cookies are removed from the sites by following the steps shared at the links below for this process.
Internet Explorer    https://support.microsoft.com/en-GB/kb/278835
Chrome    https://support.google.com/chrome/answer/95647?hl=en-GB
Firefox    https://support.mozilla.org/en-GB/kb/delete-browsing-search-download-history-firefox
Safari    https://support.apple.com/kb/PH5042?locale=en-GB
Opera    http://www.opera.com/help/tutorials/ 
3.2. The cookies used on our company's website/digital platforms and their functions are listed below.